Choose a trusted partner for your NOx reduction system

With over 200 SNCR installations around the world, and with 20 years of expertise in NOx reduction, the NOxCare brand brings you re-assurance and expertise. Our aim is to offer the best system for your site to maximize your NOx reduction while keeping your costs down.

Learn more

Both the SCR and SNCR systems require a reagent to reduce nitrogen oxides.

SNCR, SCR, hybrid SNCR/SCR systems: Which technology should you choose?

Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) are the most common secondary technologies for the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides.

Reducing your nitrogen oxides emissions

Reducing your nitrogen oxides emissions
Reducing your nitrogen oxides emissions

Contact us

Paul Midgley
Paul Midgley
NOxCare Business Manager UK & Ireland