Low calcium concentrations produce bitter pit shown by depressed areas on apple surface and small, brown corky areas within flesh.
Calcium deficiency
May be confused with boron deficiency. But boron deficiency causes symptoms in early state of fruit development, while calcium deficiency gives symptoms a few weeks before harvesting or in store.
Low calcium concentrations produce bitter pit shown by depressed areas on apple surface and small, brown corky areas within flesh
Calcium deficiency
May be confused with boron deficiency. But boron deficiency causes symptoms in early state of fruit development, while calcium deficiency gives symptoms a few weeks before harvesting or in store.
Low calcium concentrations produce bitter pit shown by depressed, sometimes dark areas on apple surface and small, brown corky areas within flesh.
Calcium deficiency
May be confused through boron deficiency. Boron deficiency causes symptoms in early stage of fruit develpment, while calcium deficiency gives symptoms a few weeks before harvesting or in store.
Low calcium concentrations produce bitter pit shown by depressed spots on apple surface and small, brown corky areas within flesh.
Calcium deficiency
May be confused with boron deficiency. But boron deficiency causes symptoms in early state of fruit development, while calcium deficiency gives symptoms a few weeks before harvesting or in store.
Low calcium concentrations produce bitter pit shown by depressed areas on apple surface and small, brown corky areas within flesh
Calcium deficiency (left)
May be confused with boron deficiency. But boron deficiency causes symptoms in early state of fruit development, while calcium deficiency gives symptoms a few weeks before harvesting or in store.