Reducing Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) in Cocoa

Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) is a major fungal problem in cocoa plants, it affects the cocoa tree branches.

Currently, control is to cut the infected branch 30cm below the last visibly infected tissue and then fertilize to encourage new growth.

Crop Nutrition and Vascular Strike Disease in Cocoa

Potassium and Boron 

In young plants, balanced nutrition and an adequate supply of potassium and boron in particular, have been shown to increase cocoa resistance to Vascular Streak Dieback (Figures 32 and 40). It is thought that this is due to boron’s role in maintaining the structural integrity of plant cells helping restrict disease development. 

There is some evidence that trees suffering from Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) will exhibit calcium deficiency symptoms.