Role of Molybdenum in Melon Production

Molybdenum is an important component of nitrate reductase and is thus involved in nitrogen metabolism as well as the synthesis of pigments and chlorophyll.

It is also important in pollen formation.

Molybdenum effect at growth stages

Stage Molybdenum effect
Vegetative Growth Ensure good leaf quality and that growth is not limiting
Flowering Support good growth

See more on Melon Growth Stages.

Molybdenum deficiencies in melon

Molybdenum deficiency is often described as ‘yellows disease’. Crown leaves become chlorotic with necrotic margins. Leaves become stunted and misshapen. If severe, the leaf margins will curl and the leaves die. Fruit set is reduced, and nitrate accumulates within the plant. Molybdenum deficiencies are more common on acid soils where the pH is less than 4.5.