Soybean Market

Soybean has several uses, due to its composition it can be used for both human consumption and animal feed, in industrial products or feedstock for agroindustry.

Oil, flour and soybean meal are products originated from grain processing. 

Soybean oil has high nutritional value, so that it is used in many products for human nutrition. In addition, it is also an important feedstock for industrial purposes, such as paints, plastics or biofuels.

The soybean meal, with 50% of soy protein, is used for animal feeding, such as poultry, swines and for the aquaculture sector.


Soybean grain is considered a functional food; in addition, it is used for chocolate, spices and pasta production. Meat products, mixtures for drinks, baby food and diet food have also soybean on its composition. 

The soya flour is also used for bread, pastries and pasta manufacture. The oil is used to produce cooking oil, spices, margarines, vegetable fat and mayonnaise. The lecithin, an emulsifying agent used to produce sausages, mayonnaise, ice cream, chocolate, cereal bars and frozen products is originated from the process to produce soybean-refined oil.

There are also several products such as milk and fruit juices with soybean in its composition.

The use of soy derivatives is an alternative for lactose-intolerant people. Moreover, it has antioxidant action, and during the menopause is an alternative for hormone replacement.

Animal Feed

The soy meal and maize are used to feed animals, such as poultry, swine and aquaculture. 

In addition to the high protein value, the soy meal can be the vehicle for antibiotics and vitamins administration to animals. 

Soybean hulls, subproduct from soy processing, is mainly used as animal feed.

Industrial Use

The soybean is being increasingly used as raw material in several industry sectors. It is used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and veterinary manufacture, and to produce varnish, paints and plastics. It is also used by adhesive industries, fiber, coating, paper and water emulsion paint production.


Biodiesel is a renewable fuel produced from vegetable sources, like soybean. Soybean oil has become the main feedstock for biodiesel production, a renewable fuel that contributes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Biodiesel is composed by petroleum diesel and vegetable oil, from oilseeds crops. The soybean oil represents more than 80% of total biodiesel production demand in Brazil.